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My life through the week is better when my worship experience on Sunday has been deeper.

Sometimes, because of my mindset fog, I am less engaged in authentically intimate worship during the praise time of singing and prayer.

I wish I were always on top of my faith game but the fact is that I have some days that are less so than others.

Every year, I improve and that’s good.

Some day, I’ll worship perfectly forever.

Yesterday was a very good day of worship in all respects at SouthWinds Christian Church in south Miami.

I left feeling quite refreshed because of God’s gracious ministry to me through His Spirit, His Word and His people.

And then, this morning, I read a powerfully potent verse in Psalm 87 that reminds me of why I cherish times of worship SO much.

As they make music they will sing, ‘All my fountains are in you.’” Psalm 87:7

To the ancient Hebrews, being close to a fountain — whether natural or man-made — was a matter of survival.

And for the psalmist to use the above term, the obvious meaning is that survival and refreshing of the soul is found ONLY in a personal relationship with God.

It is this truth that was to compel the singing worship among ancient believers and it is this truth that should compel us to do the same.

Truly, all our fountains of hope are found in the Lord.

Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4) that whoever drinks from His fountain of hope — the Living Water of His Word — will never thirst again.

If you have found salvation and refreshment in the fountains of God’s Son, God’s Spirit, God’s Word and God’s nurturing people, then you can sing with joy the words of Psalm 87:7.

For you have found that ALL of your fountains are from the Lord.

If you’re still drinking from the cisterns of this world, please come to the Lord’s fountains.

You’ll never thirst again.

As always, I love you

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