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A lot of media attention has been given over the past year to X-ray machines at airports. And I don’t recall any interviewed person saying he or she liked being seen electronically naked.

Being so exposed is not a comfortable feeling, I can attest.

On the few occasions that I’ve had to pass through the X-ray machine, I’ve told myself that the person looking at my black and white nooks and crannies didn’t know me and saw me just as a piece of meat with no hidden weapon.

I was reminded this morning, however, that there is one who sees every hidden part of my life, not with an X-ray machine but with His omniscient nature.

There is nothing that I can hide from this person, whether flesh or feeling or past failure.

“People may think all their ways are right, but the LORD weighs the heart.” (Proverbs 21:2)

Listen, if God can see into your heart and mine, our being concerned about His seeing through our clothes should be the least of our worries.

God isn’t influenced by sexual thoughts so any image of us naked is of no concern to Him, I’m sure.

After all, it is our souls that will stand before Him on judgment day, not our flesh.

Please make sure that you don’t try to fake faith with God while trying to mask sins in hidden crevices that you think He can’t see.

He knows every nook and cranny of your life and will weigh your heart on the day you stand before Him.

If your sins haven’t been washed away by confession of Christ with your words and baptism (Romans 6:4-6), the weight of your sins will drag you down to eternal destruction.

If you have obeyed the gospel, though, your soul will rise up to heaven because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. (Romans 8:2).

Please…. choose wisely.

As always, I love you

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