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It’s quite interesting to realize that we worship in a temple every day.

We might worship different things in different ways, yet we’re all in that temple.

I’m not talking about Catholics who go to mass every day but instead about the temple of our bodies.

No, we’re not to worship our bodies. The vast majority of us are quickly cured of that trap whenever we stand in front of a full-length mirror.

But just like the Jerusalem temple’s original purpose, worship of God is to occur through our body, not the worship of self.

How might we fall into the trap of worshipping what is created rather than the Creator?

By elevating the pleasing of flesh above the place of godly faith, that’s how.

How have we done such? By partaking in any form of sexual sin or the sin of gluttony or the sin of spending for luxurious comfort though our consciences called us to help those struggling financially.

Here’s the passage from today’s devotional reading that triggered this Morning Devotion:

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” (I Cor. 6:19-20).

Whenever any part of our body — even our eyes — starts acting like the spoiled brat in the back seat of the car, demanding its way with physical pleasure of immoral sex or with overeating or with putting personal luxury ahead of spiritual compassion or with some other visual or fleshly sin, it’s essential to let the body know who’s boss.

Please try to make it through the day without letting Satan lure you into using your body for anything other than God’s purposes and according to God’s values.

Whatever you do with your fleshly temple, my friend — whether in word or in deed — do it for the glory of God. And then the God of peace will be with you.

It’s a promise from the Father whose Son offered His earthly temple as a sacrifice for our sakes though He had done nothing wrong.

As always, I love you

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