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In the 33rd chapter of Isaiah’s prophecy, there is a passage that offers a concise checklist for people who want to please God and receive blessings from Him.

This six-item checklist is a great tool for keeping us on the “straight and narrow” so that we can be the people God desires us to be.

“Who of us can dwell with the consuming fire? Who of us can dwell with everlasting burning?”

“He who walks righteously

“and speaks what is right,

“who rejects gain from extortion

“and keeps his hand from accepting bribes,

“who stops his ears against plots of murder

“and shuts his eyes against contemplating evil”

“This is the man who will dwell on the heights, whose refuge will be the mountain fortress. His bread will be supplied, and water will not fail him.” (Isaiah 33:14-16)

Here is a simple recap of the list above:

__ My actions show I’m trying to live sinlessly like Jesus

__ My words only honor God and help others

__ I refuse to coerce or threaten others for the sake of money

__ I refuse to twist the truth or my authority just for the sake of money

__ I will not — in any way — condone harmful scheming against others

__ I will not be silent when my speaking up might prevent attacks on another

It’s very likely that sometime today, or at least sometime this week, Satan will attempt to trip you up with one or more of these pledges. It’s just what he does and since he has a lot of experience — successful experience — we have to be on our guard against his schemes.

You and I both want to dwell forever with the “Consuming Fire,” a name God gave to Himself in Deuteronomy 4:24. We want to know that God will not only provide eternal bliss for us in the next life, but also provide bread for us in this life.

If we’ll live by these six principles, our future will be secure, both in the flesh and in the spirit.

And we’ll have a lot more friends in both places — on earth as will be in heaven.

As always, I love you

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