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We all know the words of the Golden Rule, even through the Bible never uses that term to describe it.

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

We like it, of course, when people do nice things for us.

The challenge for us is to overcome that residual tendency to not return the favor when stirred by the Lord to do so.

I believe that we’d be more effective in living out the Golden Rule if we expanded our definition for what “do unto others” means.

As in including prayer for others as a means of “doing” for them.

I share this today because of a verse in my daily Bible reading.

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2).

It’s far more likely that we’ll help another far more often if we carry another’s burdens to the Lord in prayer.

This is something that can happen every day, even when we’re nowhere near the person physically.

Yes, it’s good to help a person move. And, yes, it’s good to help a jobless person with a surprise box of food.

But those don’t happen that often.

Yet, that person always has a need for intercessory prayer.

Just as you do.

Please start thinking about the people in your circle of influence and the prayer needs they have. Make sure that those needs are included in your morning or evening prayers or whenever you choose to enter your prayer closet.

Ultimately, praying sincerely and consistently for someone else’s burdens will accomplish much more for them long-term than will one-shot efforts at moving boxes or providing food.

Yes, those incidental efforts are useful and honor God.

But it’s the prayers that change futures.

Thank you for caring about others. And thank you for carrying their burdens to the Lord in prayer.

As always, I love you

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