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All around us are people wanting to believe that godly people can be counted on to do and say godly things.

Such people’s pride-tainted hearts might not be ready yet to surrender to the Christian faith, but they recognize that their path is not satisfying the depths of their souls.

These are the people who particularly need to see faithful examples of Christians who demonstrate integrity.

When the unsaved person sees an excellent, Christian role model, the measure of Gospel influence typically increases.

Perhaps you chose to seek Christ as Savior after you observed the godly life and language of a Christian co-worker or relative.

Because almost all conversions follow the seeker’s studied observations of Christian integrity, it is vital that we make a determined commitment to imitate Christ in every way possible.

For when we don’t, we greatly disrupt the working of the Gospel through our lives.

King Solomon provided a visually graphic reminder of this lesson in Proverbs 25:26.

“Like a muddied spring or a polluted well are the righteous who give way to the wicked.”

It’s important to remember how everyday life was for people in Solomon’s day who would hear or read this verse. Most lived in rural areas where there were no roadside, push-button water fountains or kitchen sinks with faucets.

In fact, it was quite common for people to walk for many hours, perhaps even for days, without seeing a source of fresh water. That’s why the average person had to carry water with them in animal skins or gourds.

After traveling for a long distance and being almost out of water, it was quite encouraging to see a well or spring in the distance. But upon arrival and finding the water source polluted by filth, the sense of disappointment would have been profound.

And fear might have begun to set in because of uncertainty in getting to the next source of replenishment before it was too late.

If the person had been told by others that the well/spring would give them the refreshment they needed, then the disappointment would have even been worse because of the false hope given them.

Listen, I think you get the lesson here.

People are thirsty for hope. They might not admit it, but many desperately want you to provide a clear picture of spiritual integrity that honors God and helps people. They want to know that there are people who are absolutely committed to doing what is right, no matter what.

You see, they’ve seen SO many people who don’t live with integrity.

When you and I live in a “Living Water” way that overflows with fresh, clean, refreshing water, some might eventually begin coming to the Fountain of Jesus Christ that never runs dry.

Please resist giving way to the wicked.

Too many have already done so and the people in your life need to see that you’re not going to join that polluted crowd but instead remain a vessel sharing water from the pure Fountain.

As always, I love you

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