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“Don’t miss the bus.”

A day late and a dollar short.”

You snooze, you lose.”

These are just some of figures of speech that the English language uses to warn people against apathy, particularly toward important deadlines.

Part of life is learning how to be prepared for deadlines.

Miss them and there’s a cost.

Sometimes there is a HUGE cost.

Snoozing spiritually when Christ returns from glory will be of the latter variety.

If we’re not in a saved relationship with Jesus when He comes from heaven to claim His people, our forever will be unimaginably bad — forever.

Jesus taught often about the importance of consistent, committed, spiritually surrendered living that grows each day in knowledge of the Word and service to the Lord.

Why? Because He knew that complacency is a slippery slope of spiritual decay that all too often leads a fading faith into doubt and, eventually, denial of God’s sovereignty over a person’s life.

Jesus loved people too much to not say something to wake up ones with weakening faith. And so, He did warn them 2,000 years ago with words that still speak to us today.

“You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected.” (Matthew 24:44)

Please resist the temptation to coast spiritually in the belief that you are more faithful than others and that you will have a seat on the bus to glory, no matter what.

If we keep our bags packed, so to speak, by worshipping faithfully each Sunday, by praying and reading Scripture each day, by sharing our love and beliefs throughout the day and by giving generously to the One who gave us life, we won’t have to worry about missing the bus.

We’ll be ready whenever the horn blows.

And what a great trip that’s going to be!

As always, I love you

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