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There’s a very good reason that drivers are told to keep their eyes on the road.

When they don’t, bad things usually happen.

We all know this from personal or observed experience.

The same principle applies, of course, to common sense rules for boating, for hunting, for cooking or just about any activity with the potential for danger.

The fact is that we’re safer when we follow the rules.

Pull off the road to text on your cellphone.

Don’t ignore boat channel markers.

Don’t shoot at sounds in the bushes.

Use mesh splatter screens when frying.

The list goes on and on for the laws of safe living.

And so it is with the laws of faithful living.

Psalm 119:11 tells us that the more we instill the Word of God into our hearts and minds, the less we’ll sin against God.

We all have unfortunate memories of the times we neglected the Word and paid the price for it.

It’s very likely that our neglect of the Word — God’s laws for living — caused others to pay a price, as well, in one way or another.

I thank God, though, that many of you have learned the lesson of trusting God’s Word in increasing measure.

Spiritual goofs will still happen to us all occasionally until we graduate to glory. But at least our destiny is headed in the right direction — up!

The following verse from today’s reading in the One-Year Bible sums up what we must remember.

“If your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction.” (Psalm 119:92)

God doesn’t want us to perish but instead to flourish. He promises so in 2 Cor. 9:8.

Hunger and thirst after righteousness. Crave His Truth. Yearn to learn. Read the Bible daily. Do as I do each morning and go to oneyearbibleonline.com to select the month and day for each reading.

You’ll spend 10-12 minutes a day learning of how wonderful God is and of how you can overcome whatever challenges come your way.

That’s a whole lot better than ending up in a spiritual ditch — perhaps even off the cliff — because you didn’t keep your eyes on the straight and narrow road.

As always, I love you

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