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My disabled left arm is becoming a real pain and not just with the physical discomfort and lack of good sleep.

It takes far longer to type with one hand and this, of course, is a big problem for a writer and pastor.

The Morning Devotions will be very brief until I get my surgically repaired left arm back into action, a period of which I have no idea at this point. Please keep me in prayer.

Here’s the first post of my new status…

If you’re a good cook, will you consider cooking up dessert blessings to give to church visitors?

If you have “handyman” skills, will you consider donating a few hours to fix something broken at a church widow’s or disabled member’s house?

If you have a good reading voice, will you be a designated Bible story reader for your congregation’s Sunday School program?

We all have a set of abilities given us by the Lord to be used in His Kingdom. It’s not the same set, of course, but they’re given for the same purpose — to equip people for exalting God.

Here’s what the Apostle Peter wrote about this fact:

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” (I Peter 4:10)

God has spoken to you before about volunteering to serve Him in some way. Please listen when He stirs your heart again.

People need your help.

And God deserves the worship that will be His as you obey.

As always, I love you

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