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God told the Israelites to make sure that their offerings were from the firstfruits of their harvests and that animals sacrificed to Him were to be those first in quality.

It’s clear that God wants to be first in the lives of believers.

So it is not surprising that King David wrote a psalm that speaks of how God is pleased when believers think of Him first in the morning.

“Wake up, my heart! Wake up, O lyre and harp! I will wake the dawn with my song.” (Psalm 56:8)

Do you awake the dawn with songs of praise for God?

As in listening to Christian music while getting ready for work or cooking breakfast?

Do you find yourself singing or humming Christian praise songs as you ready to head out of the door?

You can imagine how pleased God is when He sees you praising Him first thing in the morning.

If you were God, wouldn’t you be pleased by such displays of worship?

Let’s be more active in worshiping God in the morning when we get out of bed. Talk to family members about God’s wondrous grace if they’re living with you.

Testify to co-workers first thing in the day about some blessing God provided for you that morning or the day before.

Wake up your heart and I will do the same.

God deserves that the first moments of the day to honor Him.

As always, I love you

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