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We are at our best when we imitate the Lord.

I’m not a young man anymore, but yet I still need to be reminded by the Bible that I should be more consistent in being like God.

Here’s my daily target, described in one sentence.

“The Lord is compassionate and merciful, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.”

This description from Psalm 103:8 is worthy of writing onto an index card — or several, actually — and then placing the card(s) on the refrigerator, the microwave, the bottom of the computer monitor, the car dashboard, the frame of the bathroom mirror or wherever else our eyes frequently visit.



Slow to anger.

Filled with unfailing love.

Whose life wouldn’t be better if filled with these traits?

And whose family life or work life or church life wouldn’t grow stronger as these traits grew more evident?

Let’s be imitators of God.

Life will be so much better for us all.

As always, I love you

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