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The four words screamed off the computer screen this morning.

“There was always enough…”

These were Bible words. And I knew they were true.

What happened to me at that moment has happened to you, too, I’m sure.

You’re reading something or listening to something and then a phrase grabs your mind and every other sensory input loses volume.

You’re taken hostage by envisioned thoughts and memories flooding through your mind because of the phrase.

“Always enough.

Not always an abundance.

Not always having too little.

But always enough.

The specific context of these four words from I Kings 17:16 involves the poor widow who was asked to feed the famished prophet Elijah who was led to the home of this woman who had just enough food for her and her son to share a last meal before starving to death.

Many would have told Elijah that he was crazy if he thought she was going to feed him instead of her hungry son and herself.

But the wise, faithful woman trusted God’s leading and fed the prophet.

And God proved Himself faithful to the faithful.

For a long time after this day of faith, God kept her large jars for flour and oil replenished just enough to feed those in her home.

Nothing wasted.

Sounds a lot like God’s provision of manna in the wilderness, doesn’t it?

Sounds a lot like Jesus’ promise in Matthew 6:33, doesn’t it? Seek God first and all we need will be provided to us?

Please reject the lie from hell that we can’t be happy unless we have MORE than we need.

We are all SO much better off than billions of people in the world, many whom are believers with very strong faith.

Let’s rejoice that we have an Abba Father who makes sure that we always have enough to worship and serve Him.

Even if all we have is our breath, we have enough to praise Him.

And when it comes to preparing for glory, that’s really all that we need, isn’t it?

As always, I love you

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